Organik SEO Client WordPress Site Maintenance Packages

Organik-SEO-LogoHello Organik SEO Client! I am happy to offer you these packages to keep your WordPress site up-to-date and healthy.  If your host is not already backing up your site files and database, I can do that for you also.

  • choose your plan

  • These updates are critical for site saftey. Outdated code will get you hacked.Wordpress Core Updates
  • Themes and plugins are regularly updated for security and to accomodate changes made to core WordPress code. They should always be updated, but carefully and systematically.Theme and Plugin Updates
  • Unlike a purely automated backup/update script, I will actually visit your site and look it over to make sure no updates have changed it.Eyes on Your Site
  • Scan for malware, security alerts and extra security added to protect your site from hackers.Site security measures and monitoring
  • Broken Link Checks
  • Uptime Monitoring
  • Make sure your contact or quote forms are working.Form Functionality Testing
  • Okay for static brochure sites, better than no maintenance!


  • $25

    per month
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • Monthly
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • This is the basic package all sites need.


  • $55

    per month
  • Weekly
  • Weekly
  • Weekly
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes

Why does your WordPress site need updates?

If you have a website built on WordPress, it needs maintenance. The WordPress code is constantly being updated for security and functionality reasons. You can be sure every time one of the browsers releases an update, a new mobile phone or device is released, or Windows or Mac updates their OS – WordPress will also have to make updates to allow for new changes. This is also true for the theme of your site and any plugins running on it.

Besides just accommodating device, browser and operating system changes, unfortunately there are a lot of very intelligent people who are constantly looking for vulnerabilities in websites in order to take advantage of them. Anytime a weakness is reported in code, security patches are made to try to stay ahead of these hackers.

The #1 reason websites get hacked is for outdated code. (If you want to read more about this check out this great blog post)

Reason #2 is weak passwords: Unmasked: What 10 million passwords reveal about the people who choose them

My tip for all of your online security: Make and keep secure passwords with Lastpass